At least 19 people have died and more than 20 others have sustained injuries in the past three days of flash floods in Herat, Badghis and Faryab provinces in the west and northern parts of the country, local officials confirmed.
According to local officials, a number of people also have been disappeared and hundreds of houses and hundreds of acres of agricultural lands have been destroyed in the floods.
Officials in Herat said eight people, including six children, have lost their lives due to floods.
Two children and two men, unfortunately, became victims of floods. Two other people also have been dead in Shaidaee area, said Mir Gulabuddin Miri, head of Afghanistan Red Crescent Society in Herat.
The consequences of the catastrophic are numerous. Around 200 houses only in one residential area completely or proportionally have been destroyed, Ahmad Jawed Nadim, head of emergency committee in Herat said.
A number of Herat residents who suffered from recent floods called on government to provide them with financial assistance.
Flash floods took away everything I had. I lost everything, said Nasima, a Herat resident.
Floods have damaged my house and agricultural lands, Shir Ahmad, another Herat resident said.
Flash floods in Herat started on Thursday following heavy rains and the local government announced emergency status in vulnerable areas.
Local officials in Badghis province said three people have lost their lives in the flash floods and five others have been injured.
Badghis governor spokesman Jamshid Shahabi said two people have been disappeared and people in vulnerable areas have suffered heavy financial losses.
Three people died, five others wounded and two people are disappeared. Local residents have also suffered heavy financial losses, said Shahab.
Local officials in northern Faryab province also said seven districts of the province witnessed flash floods in which eight people were killed and nine others wounded.
Faryab residents said 11 people have disappeared during the flash floods.